The Air Jordan 5 which was designed by Tinkle Hatfield released in 1990.The innovative design of this Air Jordan 5 opened a door to the creatively design and classic concept durning the 90s,and from then on, basketball shoes industry entered into a golden time of modern basketball shoes. Air Jordan 5 was remembered firstly as a milestone of basketball shoes design,and then, as a basketball shoes to people,and lots of parents also buy
Jordan 5 Shoes Kids for their child's wearing.The inspiration of Air Jordan 5 partly comes from Air Jordan 4.While, the most outstanding feature of this shoe was its midsole technology.Although it still used the normal air-sole for the back heel production,the design and material of midsole and sole have creatively improved.The specific midsole applied shark tooth grin design to its former heel,which is a breakthough in shoes design, and the sole was designed with clear rubber which give a whole new and unique look and have been gradually emitatived by a large group of companies. The Air Jordan 5 represented a breakthough in design of Air Jordan seires,and
Jordan Shoes For Kids are also winning good sales.from a star-oriented basketball shoes to a new top design-oriented shoes,and futher immersed the "Flight" concept into Air Jordan shoes design.With the development of Air Jordan 5,the all Air Jordan seires entered into a mature period and later come out a lot of classic Air Jorsan basketball shoes. And people can buy them at wholesale price on our
Original Air Jordan Shoes website.